체험 상세
투어 스케줄
18:00 투어시작 1차
19:00 연등거리 산책
19:15 2차
20:00 3차
21:00 투어종료
※각 점포에서의 체류시간은 기준입니다.
18:00 투어시작, 1차

19:00 연등거리 산책

19:15 2차

20:00 3차

21:00 투어 종료

We'd like to thank our tour guides Yuta and Tad for providing us for an unforgettable and interesting tour and insight into Japanese food culture and customs. They are people from different backgrounds but share a passion for the travel industry and it shows, resulting in a highly enjoyable personalized experience and making us feel very welcome. As for the tour itself, we requested a customized private tour since we're somewhat familiar with Japanese cuisine and wanted to try something different than the standard yakitori, okinomiyaki, takoyaki, sushi etc. and wanted to taste new, uncommon and interesting things. These guys provided just that and more by showing us around in a more local restaurant area and visiting 3 totally different places. We also got to know a lot of background of the foods and culture. To name a few things, but not spoil everything: fried stingray fin and hoppy (local beer replacement drink).
플랜:Deep Food Tour and Bar Hopping in Temma (2시간 코스)
第四次到大阪, 之前都是上網查詢部落客介紹美食資料, 其實內容都大同小異: 難波、心齋橋、黑門市場... 就是重複的那幾家店。 我來自美食之都的台南, 看著觀光客總是光顧某些名店, 一方面慶幸我自己知道一些低調的在地美味, 不用跟著大排長龍。 一方面又很想告訴他們:這家不好吃啦!要吃...那一家。 所以我總想,大阪一定也有這樣的店家。 很高興能看到大阪觀光局舉辦這樣的活動, 讓我有機會藉由Ashley導遊的帶領, 在一個晚上短短三小時的時間, 能夠品嚐到三家好吃而且少有觀光客的美食。 (Ashley說,每次介紹的店都不一樣喔!) 還有機會能認識來自世界各地的朋友喔! 跟大家強力推薦!
플랜:Deep Food Tour and Bar Hopping in Temma (3시간 코스)